BASF Introduces Verdict Herbicide

Matt Hopkins

Posted by Matt Hopkins | October 14, 2010

BASF’s Verdict herbicide is now approved for use on soybeans. To highlight the newly expanded label, BASF has changed the Integrity herbicide name to Verdict herbicide. The additional use pattern in soybeans represents a growing change in management strategies for preemergence herbicides, as growers continue to seek products that help them get the most out of every acre through simple and effective weed management programs.

Verdict, powered by Kixor herbicide technology, is a corn preemergence herbicide product with the flexibility of use for soybeans. Verdict is a simple solution for preemergence burndown and residual control of 46 of today’s toughest weeds in corn, grain sorghum, and soybeans, providing a foundation for maximum yield potential.


“Verdict herbicide offers a stronger option for broadleaf weed control in corn, with the simplicity and convenience to also be used in soybeans,” says Bryan Perry, Kixor Product Manager at BASF. “BASF developed Verdict in response to our customers’ need for uncomplicated, effective weed-management solutions that contribute to an efficiently-managed operation. As part of the Kixor family of products, Verdict also offers growers additional modes of action to utilize in their corn and soybean weed resistance programs.”