With Open Tickets, you can create, edit and save an order before completing a sale on your mobile device.
Open tickets have a limit of 500 items and will be marked as full when the limit is met. If an open ticket reaches the item limit, you can save the ticket and create a new one. You can still delete, split, void, comp, or edit the name or notes of the ticket once it reaches the item limit. You will not be able to save or merge open tickets if doing so would result in the ticket having more than 500 items.
Note: If you use a customer’s credit card to create a new open ticket, the card will not be charged at that time and their payment information will not be stored within the app. If it’s available, only the cardholder’s name will be associated to the new open ticket. You can override the cardholder name at any time by updating the ticket name.
If you use multiple devices with a single Square account, you can access any open ticket from any logged-in device.
Note: Tickets open longer than 180 days will be removed from your account.
If you’re managing your team through Square, learn how to manage team member permissions for Open Tickets.