Global Power Plant Database


Dataset Availability 2018-06-11T00:00:00Z–2018-06-11T00:00:00Z Dataset Provider World Resources Institute Earth Engine Snippet FeatureCollection
ee.FeatureCollection("WRI/GPPD/power_plants") open_in_new FeatureView new_releases
ui.Map.FeatureViewLayer("WRI/GPPD/power_plants_FeatureView") open_in_new Tags climate wri

infrastructure power-plants


The Global Power Plant Database is a comprehensive, open source database of power plants around the world. It centralizes power plant data to make it easier to navigate, compare and draw insights. Each power plant is geolocated and entries contain information on plant capacity, generation, ownership, and fuel type. As of June 2018, the database includes around 28,500 power plants from 164 countries. It will be continuously updated as data becomes available.

The methodology for the dataset creation is given in the World Resources Institute publication "A Global Database of Power Plants".

Associated code for the creation of the dataset can be found on GitHub. The bleeding-edge version of the database (which may contain substantial differences from the release in Earth Engine) is available on GitHub as well.

If you use this dataset, the provider (WRI) has requested that you register your use and (optionally) sign up to receive update notifications.

Table Schema

Table Schema

3-character country code corresponding to the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 specs

Longer form of the country designation

Name or title of the power plant, generally in Romanized form

10- or 12-character identifier for the power plant

Electrical generating capacity in megawatts

Geolocation in decimal degrees

Geolocation in decimal degrees

Energy source used in electricity generation or export

Energy source used in electricity generation or export

Energy source used in electricity generation or export

Energy source used in electricity generation or export

Year of plant operation, weighted by unit-capacity when data is available

Majority shareholder of the power plant, generally in Romanized form

Entity reporting the data; could be an organization, report, or document, generally in Romanized form

Web document corresponding to the "source" field

Attribution for geolocation information

Year the capacity information was reported

Electricity generation in gigawatt-hours reported for the year 2013

Electricity generation in gigawatt-hours reported for the year 2014

Electricity generation in gigawatt-hours reported for the year 2015

Electricity generation in gigawatt-hours reported for the year 2016

Estimated annual electricity generation in gigawatt-hours for the year 2015

Terms of Use

Terms of Use


Explore with Earth Engine

Important: Earth Engine is a platform for petabyte-scale scientific analysis and visualization of geospatial datasets, both for public benefit and for business and government users. Earth Engine is free to use for research, education, and nonprofit use. To get started, please register for Earth Engine access.

Code Editor (JavaScript)

// Visualization for WRI/GPPD/power_plants var table = ee.FeatureCollection('WRI/GPPD/power_plants'); // Get a color from a fuel var fuelColor = ee.Dictionary( 'Coal': '000000', 'Oil': '593704', 'Gas': 'bc80bd', 'Hydro': '0565A6', 'Nuclear': 'e31a1c', 'Solar': 'ff7f00', 'Waste': '6a3d9a', 'Wind': '5ca2d1', 'Geothermal': 'fdbf6f', 'Biomass': '229a00' >); // List of fuels to add to the map var fuels = [ 'Coal', 'Oil', 'Gas', 'Hydro', 'Nuclear', 'Solar', 'Waste', 'Wind', 'Geothermal', 'Biomass']; /** * Computes size from capacity and color from fuel type. * * @param pt A point * @return Input point with added style dictionary. */ function addStyle(pt)  var size = ee.Number(pt.get('capacitymw')).sqrt().divide(10).add(2); var color = fuelColor.get(pt.get('fuel1')); return pt.set( 'styleProperty', ee.Dictionary('pointSize': size, 'color': color>)); > // Make a FeatureCollection out of the power plant data table. var pp = ee.FeatureCollection(table).map(addStyle); print(pp.first()); /** * Adds power plants of a certain fuel type to the map. * * @param fuel A fuel type */ function addLayer(fuel)  print(fuel); Map.addLayer( pp.filter(ee.Filter.eq('fuel1', fuel)) .style(styleProperty: 'styleProperty', neighborhood: 50>), <>, fuel, true, 0.65); > // Apply `addLayer` to each record in `fuels`. fuelColor.keys().evaluate(function(fuelsList); >);

Visualize as a FeatureView

A FeatureView is a view-only, accelerated representation of a FeatureCollection . For more details, visit the FeatureView documentation.

Important: Earth Engine is a platform for petabyte-scale scientific analysis and visualization of geospatial datasets, both for public benefit and for business and government users. Earth Engine is free to use for research, education, and nonprofit use. To get started, please register for Earth Engine access.

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var fvLayer = ui.Map.FeatureViewLayer('WRI/GPPD/power_plants_FeatureView'); var visParams =  opacity: 0.65, color:  property: 'fuel1', categories: [ ['Coal', '000000'], ['Oil', '593704'], ['Gas', 'bc80bd'], ['Hydro', '0565a6'], ['Nuclear', 'e31a1c'], ['Solar', 'ff7f00'], ['Waste', '6a3d9a'], ['Wind', '5ca2d1'], ['Geothermal', 'fdbf6f'], ['Biomass', '229a00'] ], defaultValue: 'ffffff' >, rules: [  filter: ee.Filter.expression('capacitymw  500'), pointSize: 5, >,  filter: ee.Filter.expression('capacitymw >= 500 AND capacitymw  1000'), pointSize: 10, >,  filter: ee.Filter.expression('capacitymw >= 1000'), pointSize: 15, > ] >; fvLayer.setVisParams(visParams); fvLayer.setName('Power plant (fuel type and capacity)'); Map.setCenter(16, 49, 4); Map.add(fvLayer);

The Global Power Plant Database is a comprehensive, open source database of power plants around the world. It centralizes power plant data to make it easier to navigate, compare and draw insights. Each power plant is geolocated and entries contain information on plant capacity, generation, ownership, and fuel type. As …